Thursday, August 8, 2013

Wacky Wigs and Mad Hatters!

Today Waipahihi School had a fundraiser for Kidscan...we all wore our best hats and hair dos! Room 20 decided to take on the challenge of creating hats using only newspaper... Crazy Hat Day on PhotoPeach

Thursday, August 1, 2013

How Stuff Works

Today we began our Inquiry - 'How Stuff Works'.

We spent the morning doing a science experiment.

  • White  vinegar
  • Baking  soda
  • A balloon
  • Two  funnels
  • One  bottle

First we had to put baking soda in the balloon through the funnel. Through the other funnel you put vinegar in the bottle and then put the balloon on the top of the bottle.  Tip the baking soda into the vinegar.  What happened was the gas blew up the balloon.  The gas name was carbon dioxide.  It bubbled up because of a reaction between the acid (vinegar) and the alkaline (baking soda).

By Kushal and Thinuka

And here you can listen to Zoey explain what we did...


Record and upload voice >>

video017 from Kristin Mason on Vimeo.