Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What is the right thing to do in a earthquake at school?

Watch this great movie that Ellen, Nisuli, Millie and Nina created...


  1. I like every that happened in that movie awsome Nina Millie Nisuli and ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. extremly informative and well directed.

  3. great work girls i thought how shaking the cam would make it look like a real earthquake i made a movie like that with marc henry

  4. We have been making movies in room one last term. We really liked the camera work, especially how you shook the camera to make it look like there was an earthquake.
    You might need to speak more clearly next time so people can hear you.

  5. What a great movie girls.. you guys rock :)

  6. This is a great movie!! I live in Halswell, Christchurch, and found your site when looking for information on earthquakes. Remember to secure your bookshelves and furniture at home and at school (because they can fall over in even smallish earthquakes if you don't).
